About Bhanumathi

About Bhanumathi

Bhanumathi Narasimhan is the sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, humanitarian leader and ambassador of peace, and shares his vision for a stress-free violence-free world.

Bhanumathi is the Chairperson of Women’s Welfare and Child Care programs of the The Art of Living, a not-for-profit, educational and humanitarian NGO engaged in bringing stress relief and service initiatives in 155 countries. She has deep roots in spirituality and a broad vision for service to humanity.

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Social Initiatives

Bhanumathi Narasimhan is the Director of Women’s Welfare and Child Care initiatives of the Art of Living foundation. She has pioneered several projects in the fields of education (The Art of Living Free Schools), women’s empowerment (Vishalakshi Women Empowerment project and VISTA), health & hygiene (HARA – HIV-AIDS Awareness for Rural Adolescents project), for the environment (Hara Desh, Hari Prithvi project), and for art and culture (Weaver to Wearer project) that has benefited thousands of women from remote, rural and disadvantaged sections of society.

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Social Initiatives



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